32Y Male with FEVER and DYSPHAGIA since 1 WEEK

 Introduction: This is an online E-log Entry Blog to discuss, understand and review the clinical scenarios and data analysis of patients so as to develop my clinical competency in comprehending clinical cases, and providing evidence-based inputs. 

Note: The cases have been shared after taking consent from the patient/guardian. All names and other identifiers have been removed to secure and respect the privacy of the patient and the family.
Consent: An informed consent has been taken from the patient in the presence of the family attenders and other witnesses as well and the document has been conserved securely for future references. 

A 32-year-old man, pharmacist by occupation presented to the outpatient department with the,


1. Fever since 1 week.

2. Difficulty in swallowing since 1 week.


  1.  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 years back when he met with an accident (RTA - bike vs lorry) and sustained following injuries:
                           - Left femur fracture: Intramedullary Nailing done
                                                         - Tibia fracture: Plating done

     2. Patient went for follow up after 4 months because of constant pain and was informed about nonunion of femur shaft fracture and tibial fracture.                              

Underwent revision surgery under another doctor for Intramedullary nailing without any bone graft.

1-2 days after the revision surgery, patient noticed relative motion of Femur nail and underwent revision surgery for screw tightening. 

The patient gradually started walking with support but complained of pus discharge from the operated site over femur, intermittently since 6 years. 

     In 2018, patient noticed discharging sinuses - 2 in proximal near left gluteal region and 2 in distal femur and was treated with Inj Peptaz, intravenous amikacin and intraosseous gentamicin for 20 days.

     3.  3 months back Nails and plates were removed as the patient’s doctor had advised in view of delayed bone healing. 

     4. 1 week back developed fever, high grade, associated with chills and rigors
                 -   No h/o fever spikes since 2 days.

     5.  C/O difficulty in swallowing since 1 week, both to liquids and solids, associated with burning sensation in throat.


Prior to the accident patient worked in a medical shop near his house.

He used to wake up at 6AM, have tea/coffee, eat breakfast and leave for work.

He left for work around 9Am by walk and used to return home by evening 6PM. 

 Post the accident, patient was initially bed ridden for 1 year, and then gradually started walking with support. 

On 17th June, prior to coming to our hospital, the patient was taken to a local hospital, where following investigations were done:
  • Hemoglobin: 10.6 g/dl (Normal 13-16gms)
  • Total RBC Count: 4.60 million/cumm (Normal 4.5-6.5 mill)
  • Platelet Count: 5.98 Lakhs/cumm (Normal 1.5-4lakhs)
  • Total WBC Count: 22,500/cumm (Normal 4,000-11,000/cumm)
  • Total Bilirubin: 0.7mg/dl (TB Normal 0.1-2mg)
  • Malaria Test: Negative
  • Widal Test: S Typhi "O" Positive (1:160) , S Typhi "H" Positive (1:80) 
On 21st June, prior to coming to our hospital, the patient was taken to a local hospital, where following investigations were done:
  • Hemoglobin: 8.1 g/dl (Normal 13-16gms)
  • Total RBC Count: 2.7 million/cumm (Normal 4.5-6.5 mill)
  • Platelet Count: 2.4 Lakhs/cumm (Normal 1.5-4lakhs)
  • Total WBC Count: 13,300/cumm (Normal 4,000-11,000/cumm)
  • RBS: 158mg/dl (Normal 80-170)
  • Blood Urea: 55mg/dl (Normal 14-45)
  • Serum Creatinine: 2.89mg/dl (Normal 0.6-1.2)

  • Patient is a known case of Diabetes Mellitus type 2, since 6 months, on T Glimiperide 1mg + T Metformin 500mg.
  • Patient is not a known case of Hypertension, Thyroid disorders, Seizures, Tuberculosis, Asthma, stroke or any cardiac disorder.
  • History of previous surgery - Nailing for Femur fracture and Plating for Tibia fracture, 6 years ago.

  • His appetite has decreased since past 1 week, he consumes a mixed diet, sleep is disturbed 
  • Bowel movements are normal but Decreased urine output since the last couple of days whenever fever spiked.
  • No history of smoking or alcohol.
  • No known food or drug allergies.

  • No similar complaints in the family members.


Examination has been done in a well-lit room in supine and sitting posture after taking informed consent and after reassuring the patient.

  • Patient was conscious, coherent, co-operative and well oriented to time, place and person.
  • Moderately built and nourished.
  • Pallor present.
  • No signs of Icterus, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Pedal edema, Generalized Lymphadenopathy.
  • JVP normal.   




Central Nervous System:  No abnormality detected.

Per Abdomen: Soft and nontender, no organomegaly. 

Cardiovascular System: S1, S2 heard, no murmurs 

Respiratory System: BAE+, NVBS +



Temperature - 99.6F (two fever spikes in the night)

Respiratory Rate - 23 cpm

Pulse Rate - 110 bpm

Blood Pressure - 100/70 mm Hg

SpO2 - 99 at room air


Temperature - 99.4F

Respiratory Rate - 22 cpm

Pulse Rate - 115 bpm

Blood Pressure - 110/70 mm Hg



Temperature - 100.4F

Respiratory Rate - 24 cpm

Pulse Rate - 108 bpm

Blood Pressure - 100/60 mm Hg

Input/Output - 2400/900ml


Temperature - 100.2F

Respiratory Rate - 22 cpm

Pulse Rate - 120 bpm

Blood Pressure - 100/60 mm Hg

GRBS @ 8Am - 300mg/dl 10 units HAI and 6NPH given

Input/Output - 3700/1200ml


22nd JUNE

  1.  BLOOD UREA: 55MG/DL (Normal 12-42)
  2. SERUM CREATININE: 1.2MG/DL (Normal 0.9-1.3)
  4. Serology Rapid HBsAg/HIV1/2/Anti HCV - Negative
  5. RBS: 115mg/dl (Normal 80-170)
  6. BGT: O Positive
  7. LFT's:

      10. Serum Electrolytes:

      11. Complete Blood Picture:

NC/NC Anemia with Leukocytosis and Thrombocytosis.

23rd JUNE

1. Spot Urine Sodium: 123mmol/L

2. Spot Urine Potassium: 6.6

3. Urinary Chloride: 154mmol/L

4. HBa1C: 6.7%

5. FBS: 227mg/dl 

6. Blood Lactate: 6.9mg/dl 

7. LDH: 190 IU/L

8. PT/INR: 18sec/1.30

9. APTT: 35 sec

24th JUNE

  1. Blood Urea: 14mg/dl (Normal 12-42)
  2. Serum Creatinine: 0.9 mg/dl(Normal 0.6-1.2)
  3. PLBS: 196mg/dl

25th JUNE

1. Serum Creatinine: 0.9 mg/dl 
2. Blood Urea: 10 mg/dl

26th JUNE

 1. Serum Creatinine: 0.7 mg/dl 
2. Blood Urea: 10 mg/dl

 ( oral candidiasis) 


27th June 

 1. Serum Creatinine: 0.7 mg/dl 
2. Blood Urea: 13 mg/dl

28th JUNE

1 unit PRBC transfusion done

29th JUNE

Underwent Wound Debridement under CSE: 

30th JUNE

1. Serum Creatinine: 0.6 mg/dl 
2. Blood Urea: 14 mg/dl

1 unit PRBC transfusion done

X-ray Left thigh: 

X-ray Left thigh: 

1st JULY

2nd JULY

3rd JULY

5th JULY

6th JULY

 Grade 1 Bedsore 

7th JULY

Underwent incision and drainage

Tissue Sample sent for culture: 

8th JULY 

1 unit PRBC transfusion done


9th JULY 

1. Serum Creatinine: 0.4 mg/dl 
2. Blood Urea: 19 mg/dl

10th JULY

11th JULY

12th JULY

1. Serum Creatinine: 0.5 mg/dl 

13th JULY

Grade 2 Bedsore

1 unit PRBC transfusion done

14th JULY

15th JULY

16th JULY

17th JULY


Sepsis with ( AKI resolved) (ALI resolved)
- Chronic osteomyelitis of Left Femur 
- with ? Oral candidiasis (resolved) 
- with Type 2 DM since 6 months 
- with Anemia (? Secondary to chronic inflammation)
- with Thrombophlebitis of Right lower limb (resolved) 
- with Grade 2 bedsore 


1. IVF NS @150ml/hr
2. Inj NEOMOL 1g/IV/SOS ( if temp > 101F)
3. Inj LINEZOLID 600mg/IV/BD
4. Inj TRAMADOL 1amp in 100ml NS IV/BD
5. Inj HAI/SC TID and Inj NPH S/C BD according to GRBS
6. Inj NORADRENALINE @ 5ml/hr accordingly to maintain MAP > 65mmhg 
7. Inj KCL 2 amp in 1 unit NS over 5 hours 
8. Inj Clexane 45 units S/C OD
9. Soft diet, egg whites


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